Serial Mode PIC 16C84 Programmer version ---------------------------------------- The Microchip PIC 16C84 microcontroller is a chip with on-chip EEPROM. This memory can be programmed in two ways: parallel or serial. Most commercial programmers use the parallel method. This programmer uses the serial method. This method is described in the Microchip datasheet DS30189A "PIC16C84 EEPROM Memory Programming Specification" (C) 1992 Microchip Technology Incorporated. The hardware for the programmer is very simple and cheap to build. It is described in the file SCHEMA.TXT which contains an ASCII representation of the schematics. It is connected to the parallel port of a PC. The software PIC.EXE is a menu-driven program for PC's that uses the parallel port to communicate with the programmer. It can: * Read and write intel hex files (16 bit) * Read the contents of a PIC * Program a PIC (program and data memory) * View memory contents * Configure and code-protect a PIC * Disassemble program-memory * Erase a PIC Version 0 is a starting point. Use and play with it. Tell me what you think of it and where it could be improved. I'm not releasing the source code yet, but I might do that in the future. The reason for this is that I don't like to have unfinished source all over the place and parts of the program (the menu routines) come from an earlier project that I did for Cistron Electronics. These parts are still in dutch and not documented. Danny ter Haar (from Cistron Electronics) has allowed me to distribute these sources. When I have cleaned them up I will make them available. The copyleft conditions (GNU) will apply then. The program is easy to use. Everything is done with menus. Use the cursor keys to select a menu item. ENTER to activate it and ESC to leave it. Files without a path are read from the default directory. There is no way of getting a directory listing from within the program, so know your filenames before starting PIC.EXE. The files that come with this README.TXT are: example.asm 342 3-26-94 0:00 pic.exe 40929 3-26-94 0:00 readme.txt 2564 3-26-94 0:00 schema.txt 5949 3-26-94 0:00 Happy programming and don't let it go all up in smoke...